Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 113
| Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
| 2014 | Forward rates - predictive power and trading strategies | Afanasenko, Diana |
| 2015 | Unternehmen Forschung - Hochschulen als Innovationstreiber im regionalen Wissens- und Technologietransfer | Bühnemann, Jörg |
| 2014 | The power network concept - a theoretical and empirical approach to strategy in the global network economy | Taureck, Pia Christin |
| 2014 | Modellierung und empirische Analyse von Preismechanismen im Hochfrequenzbereich - eine Analyse am Beispiel der elektronischen Aktienmärkte IBIS und XETRA | Uphaus, Andreas |
| 2014 | Heuristische Baumsuche für Stackingprobleme im Zwischenlager von Containerterminals | Forster, Florian |
| 2013 | Medical decision making: perspectives of patients and physicians | Trarbach, Judith Natalie |
| 2013 | What makes corporate blogs successful? - an international investigation of corporate blogging practices and corporate blog acceptance | König, Nils |
| 2013 | Beliefs in Koordinationsspielen - eine experimentelle Untersuchung zum besseren Verständnis der Gleichgewichtsauswahl | Neumann, Thomas |
| 2013 | Motor and cognitive development of selected Egyptian and German primary school aged children - a cross-cultural study | Abdel Karim, Osama M. Abdel Halim |
| 2013 | Incentive structures in economic experiments - a neuroeconomic analysis of decision making under risk | Morgenstern, Ralf |
| 2013 | Interne Compliance-Kommunikation - ein Reifegradmodell | Haack, Lutz-Ulrich |
| 2013 | Efficiency, corporate governance and performance of European commercial banks | Kryvko, Anna |
| 2013 | Attitudes toward corporate sustainability - a multi-item scale and a multi-country empirical analysis | Kausch, Caterina |
| 2011 | Essays on entrepreneurship and innovation | Günzel, Franziska |
| 2012 | International trade, technical change and the demand for skills - how important is trade in quality differential products? | Kutschka, Elisabeth |
| 2011 | Governmental start-up support in the light of allocative market failure - justification, analysis, and design | Staak, Thorsten |
| 2011 | Financial structure choice in owner-managed firms - entrepreneurial characteristics, utility of control, and the competitive context | Koné, Sidi S. |
| 2011 | Modellierung und empirische Analyse von Preismechanismen im Hochfrequenzbereich - eine Analyse am Beispiel der elektronischen Aktienmärkte IBIS und XETRA | Uphaus, Andreas |
| 2018 | Four essays on financial stability and competition with heterogeneous banks | Müller, Carola |
| 2011 | Models and methods for supporting lot sizing decisions in product recovery systems | Schulz, Tobias |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 113