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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 538
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Predictions of visible and occluded motion in the primary visual cortexAgostino, Camila Silveira
2022Advanced imaging of congenital chiasmal malformationsPuzniak, Robert Jerzy
2023Impact of epigenetic imprinting on the transcriptional profile of colonic epithelial cells and their role in the perpetuation of intestinal inflammationGelmez, Elif
2022Dynamic posttraumatic changes of monocyte subsetsJanicová, Andrea
2022Neural extracellular matrix remodelling as a potential target for cognitive enhancement in the aging brainBaidoe-Ansah, David
2022Peripheral virus infection-induced microglial and neuronal alterationsDüsedau, Henning Peter
2022The role of nitric oxide controlling intracellular pathogen, a link between proliferation inhibition and permissive host cell recruitmentAlabdullah, Mohamad
2023The adaptive primary auditory cortex microcircuitry across brain states, scales, and speciesDeane, Katrina E.
2022Functional characterization of an LCK cysteine mutantKritikos, Andreas
2022Two-dimensional emulsions and colloids formed by liquid inclusions in free-standing smectic liquid crystal filmsKlopp, Christoph
2022Aging alters the langat virus infection and pathogenesis in region-specific mannerRose, Angela
2022Elucidating the roles of secretory immunoglobulins in asthma under homeostatic and infectious conditionsPausder, Alexander
2022Extracellular matrix regulation of GABA-ergic interneurons and schizophreniaMatuszko, Gabriela Aleksandra
2022Changing expectations : cognitive flexibility and reward processing in larval DrosophilaMancini, Nino
2022Function of A20 in the regulation of Helicobacter pylori-induced alternative NK-[kappa]B and caspase-8-dependent apoptotic cell deathLim, Michelle Chin Chia
2022Function of STAMBPL1 in Helicobacter pylori-associated cell deathChaithongyot, Supattra
2022Wirkung einer Glutaminylzyklase-Hemmung auf Ausprägung einer experimentellen akuten PankreatitisDe Boni, Carina
2022Modulation of allergic airway inflammation by Staphylococcus aureus enterotoxin B in a mouse modelJorde, Ilka
2022Untersuchungen zur Wirkung von Adefovir-Dipivoxil und Pitavastatin auf die Funktion humaner T-ZellenVoss, Linda
2022Pioneer neurons and stimulus-selective sequential recruitment in unstructured networks of spiking neurons in silico : phenomenology and mechanismsBauermeister, Christoph
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 538