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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 361 to 380 of 538
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2010Die Dynamik einiger Neurotransmitter beim räumlichen Lernen und nach elektrischer Stimulation im Hippocampus und Cortex praefrontalis der RatteNeugebauer, Frank
2010Gesundes Altern und Gedächtnis - der Einfluss neuromodulatorischer und psychosozialer FaktorenDüzel, Sandra
2010Konzeptualisierung in der Sprachproduktion - Untersuchung mittels ereigniskorrelierter PotenzialeMarek, Annette
2018The role of active zone scaffold bassoon in the regulation of presynaptic proteasomeFieńko, Sandra
2010Neuronale Prozesse auditorisch induzierter visueller WahrnehmungssteigerungTyll, Sascha
2010Molecular mechanisms of classical fear conditioning - GABAergic factors and their role in fear-related network activitiesBergado Acosta, Jorge R.
2010Influence of nucleus accumbens core or shell stimulation on early long-term potentiation in the dentate gyrus of freely moving ratsKudolo, John J. K.
2010Strukturelle und funktionelle Veränderungen bei der Amyotrophen LateralskleroseThorns, Johannes
2010Protease-activated receptor 2 and [alpha]-crystallin - interactions and functional implicationsLi, Rongyu
2010Integration of appetitive and aversive reinforcers and the neuromodulation of reward seeking and pain avoidanceMicheal, Anton Ilango
2010Modulation of [My]-opioid receptor signal transduction and endocytosis by ADP-ribosylation factor proteinsRankovic, Marija
2010Cross-talk of protein kinase B (PKB/Akt) with the transcription factor NFAT and the Src kinase Fyn in T lymphocytesDrewes, Thomas
2010Mechanismen der A[beta]-induzierten neuronalen DysfunktionRönicke, Raik
2010Mechanisms of assembly and activity dependent remodelling of the presynaptic cytomatrix at the active zoneLazarevic, Vesna
2010Molecular determinants for the subcellular distribution of the synapto-nuclear protein messenger JacobŞahin, Jale
2010Rotenon-induzierte Komplex I-Inhibierung in primär kultivierten neokortikalen Neuronen - oxidativer Stress, Permeabilitätstransitionsdynamik und die protektive Rolle von MinozyklinGieseler, Anne
2010Biologische Variabilität bei der Musterbildung von 'Dictyostelium discoideum'Hilgardt, Christiane
2010Epitaxial growth and properties of AlGaN-based UV-LEDs on Si(111) substratesSaengkaew, Phannee
2010Mitochondrial localization ot two brain proteins, p42IP4/centaurin-[alpha]1/ADAP1 and CNP, and their involvement in regulation of mitochondrial Ca 2+Galvita, Anastasia
2010Expression and functional analysis of EFNB1 mutations in craniofrontonasal syndromeMakarov, Roman
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 361 to 380 of 538