Fakultät für Naturwissenschaften : [538] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 201 to 220 of 538
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015A novel function of the endothelial thrombomodulin-protein C system for cellular function in the CNSWolter, Juliane
2016Theory of many-particle correlations and optical properties of semiconductor quantum dots - photons and quantum dotsLeymann, Heinrich Alexander Magnus
2016Investigation of brain function in neuropsychiatric disorder using multimodal imaging analysisZhang, Bin
2016Untersuchung der Rolle von Chk1 in der entzündungsbasierten kolorektalen Karzinogenese anhand eines zellulären Colitis-ModellsReißig, Kathrin
2016The role of reactive oxygen species and mitochondria in T-cell activationBelikov, Aleksey Vitalyevich
2016Spatio-temporal pattern formation in microemulsions under different physical and chemical conditionsDähmlow, Patricia
2016Episodes of the life and death of thin fluid membranes - patterns and dynamics at the cross-over from two to three dimensionsHarth, Kirsten
2015The effect of the extracellular environment on the composition and function of synapsesSchweitzer, Barbara Christina
2016Modulations of visual cortex organization investigated with 7 Tesla fMRIAbd Hamid, Aini Ismafairus Binti
2015Interneuron function in pathological memory processes - relevance for posttraumatic stress disorderMüller, Iris
2015Dynamische Fließgleichgewichte und ihre Übergänge in Reaktionsnetzwerken - experimenteller Nachweis der Quasi-potential-Landschaft der zellulären ReprogrammierungRätzel, Viktoria
2015Biotechnology for the investigation of the monocyte-macrophage-system in microgravity and spaceSimmet, Dana Michaela
2015Determinants of global color-based attention - insights from electromagnetic brain recording in humansBartsch, Mandy Viktoria
2015The role of cFLIP in regulatory T cell homeostasisPlaza Sirvent, Carlos
2015The role of NMDA-receptors (NMDARs) and NMDAR antagonists in murine T- and B-lymphocyte functionSimma, Narasimhulu
2012Molekulare Eigenschaften des Integrin-regulierenden ADAP-SKAP55-SignalkomplexesMeineke, Bernhard Manuel
2012Molecular mechanisms of Campylobacter jejuni induced transmigration and invasion of host target cellsBöhm, Manja
2012Geometric distortion correction in EPI at ultra high fieldIn, Myung-Ho
2015Die Untersuchung serieller und paralleler Mechanismen zur attentionalen Verfolgung mehrerer bewegter Objekte im Raum durch elektrophysiologische sowie funktionelle MessungenMerkel, Christian
2015Thalamocortical and corticothalamic interactions of the auditory cortex in the Mongolian gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus)Saldeitis, Katja
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 201 to 220 of 538