Fakultät für Informatik : [253] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 141 to 160 of 253
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2013Citation-based Plagiarism Detection - applying citation pattern analysis to identify currently non-machine-detectible disguised plagiarism in scientific publicationsGipp, Béla
2014Visual exploration of cardiovascular hemodynamicsGasteiger, Rocco
2014Computer-assisted motion compensation and analysis of perfusion ultrasound dataSchäfer, Sebastian
2013On utilising change over time in data miningBöttcher, Mirko
2013Shapes in vector fields - methods for continuous deformations and surface-based flow visualizationsMartinez Esturo, Janick
2013Modellierung und Entwicklung von Pliable Objects zum Aufbau dynamischer Informationssysteme im medizinischen Fachgebiet der AnästhesiePreißner, Markus
2013Lagrangian methods for visualization and analysis of time-dependent vector fieldsKuhn, Alexander
2013Computer-aided detection of cerebral aneurysms in angiographiesHentschke, Clemens M.
2013Virtual Reality zur Untersuchung neuronaler Prozesse - Entwicklung und Validierung einer adaptiven Hirn-Computer-Schnittstelle zur dynamischen Interaktion mit Virtual Reality ParadigmenMüller, Charles
2013Discovery and visualization of interesting patternsSteinbrecher, Matthias
2013Statistical pattern recognition for audio-forensics - empirical investigations on the application scenarios audio steganalysis and microphone forensicsKrätzer, Christian
2013Hypermodelling - next level software engineering with data warehousesFrey, Tim
2013Analysis and removal of code clones in software product linesSchulze, Sandro
2013Mining perennial objectsSiddiqui, Zaigham Faraz
2012Collaboration process design for ideation in distributed environments - approaches to support collaborative ideation in global virtual groups using technological supportKnoll, Stefan Werner
2012Measuring and predicting non-functional properties of customizable programsSiegmund, Norbert
2012Framework for measuring program comprehensionSiegmund, Janet
2012Knowledge representation with condensed set-valued attributesRügheimer, Frank Christopher
2012Variables Nanodatenmanagement für eingebettete SystemeLeich, Thomas
2012Untersuchungen zum Einsatz der Augmented Reality Technologie für Soll/Ist-Vergleiche von Betriebsmitteln in der FertigungsplanungBade, Christian
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 141 to 160 of 253