Fakultät für Informatik : [253] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 121 to 140 of 253
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015Targeted search engines for children - search user interfaces and information-seeking behaviourGossen, Tatiana
2015Understanding and monitoring attitudes of product properties over timeZimmermann, Max
2015Algorithm engineering for expression dag based number typesMörig, Marc Andreas
2015Towards effective research-paper recommender systems and user modeling based on mind mapsBeel, Jöran
2015Software phantoms in medical image analysisRexilius, Jan
2015Product-line specification and verification with feature-oriented contractsThüm, Thomas
2015Ein informationssicherheitsoptimiertes Geschäftsprozessmanagement-Rahmenwerk für föderierte OrganisationsstrukturenNeitzel, Erik
2015Optimierung biometrischer Hash-Algorithmen für die dynamische HandschriftScheidat, Tobias
2014Minimal-invasive provenance integration into data-intensive systemsSchäler, Martin
2015Context modelling for IT security in selected application scenariosQian, Kun
2014Prävention, Detektion und Reaktion gegen drei Ausprägungsformen automotiver Malware - eine methodische Analyse im Spektrum von Manipulationen und SchutzkonzeptenHoppe, Tobias
2014Illustrative visualization of medical data setsLawonn, Kai
2014Computergestützte Exploration von Blutfluss in zerebralen Aneurysmen - geometrische Verarbeitung und interaktive VisualisierungNeugebauer, Mathias
2014Visual analysis, clustering, and classification of contrast-enhanced tumor perfusion MRI dataGlaßer, Sylvia
2014Ein Modell zum zentralen Betrieb von hoch flexiblen SOA-Lösungen auf Basis definierter StandardsWill, Liane
2014Illustrative visualization of medical data setsLawonn, Kai
2014Context-aware 3D model generation for biomedical applicationsMönch, Tobias Jürgen
2014Light-weight composite environmental performance indicators (LWC-EPI)Jamous, Naoum
2014New solutions for an old challenge - chances and limitations of optical, non-invasive acquisition and digital processing techniques for the age estimation of latent fingerprintsMerkel, Ronny
2014Visual recognition systems in a car passenger compartment with the focus on facial driver identificationMakrushin, Andrey
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 121 to 140 of 253