Interne-Einreichungen : [1010] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 1010
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Effects of palmitoylethanolamide against the toxicity of paclitaxel on primary dorsal root ganglion neuronal and non-neuronal cellsElfarnawany, Amira Abdelgleal Mohamed
2024Genetic cornerstones of grain yield determination in spike-branching wheat (Triticum turgidum L.)Abbai, Ragavendran
2024Impact of receptors for advanced glycation end products in development of chronic pancreatitis & pancreatic ductal adenocarcinomaBöhme, Richard
2024Physics of Josephson diodes formed from 1T-transition metal dichalcogenidesSivakumar, Pranava Keerthi
2023Synthese und biologische Evaluierung von NaturstoffderivatenHoenke, Sophie
2024Automatisierte Erfassung und Monitoring von biophysikalischen Vitalfunktionen bei weiblichen Rindern vom Transport bis zur Schlachtung am Beispiel eines mittelständigen SchlachtbetriebsKorb, Christian
2024Assessing the quality of organic amendments in terms of their carbon-, nitrogen & phosphorus-dynamics on arable soilGasser, Stefan Anton Albert
2024Super-resolved imaging reveals insights into the NK cell immune synapse and can validate expansion microscopyBüttner, Maximilian Lothar Wilhelm
2024Simulation of steady-state and ultrafast transport of charge, spin, and orbital angular momentaBusch, Oliver
2024Evaluating the agricultural policy in Kosovo : lessons learnt and the pathway forwardBajrami, Egzon
2024Biophysical insights into the conformational flexibility of AUX/IAA transcriptional repressors for auxin sensingFigueroa Parra, Jhonny Oscar
202460 Jahre „Deutsches Steuerrecht“ (1962 bis 2022) : die Zeitschrift DStR als Pflichtlektüre für Steuerberater:innen? : eine kritische Betrachtung auf Basis der Jahre 2017 bis 2021Muscheites, Erik
2024Handlungsleitende Orientierungen von Hebammen in verschiedenen Gebärräumen : eine qualitative StudieLuegmair, Karolina Maria
2024Contribution of PPCK-PPC module to phosphate-dependent malate accumulation and exudation in Arabidopsis thalianaKariithi, Samuel Ngure
2023Tree mycorrhizal type and tree diversity effects on the structure and functional potential of forest belowground microbial communitiesSingavarapu, Bala Veera Venkata Apparao
2024Ab-initio dynamics of electrons and nuclei in solidsWang, Chung-Yu
2023Representation of warriorhood : a study of Iron Age and Archaic Period burials from MacedoniaStefanovski, Nikola
2023Spatial and temporal variation in pollinator communities and plant-pollinator interactions at different scales : a case study from FinlandZoller, Leana
2023Exploring the complexities of climate driver timing : insights at the levels of vital rates and population dynamicsEvers, Sanne Maria
2024Open and endovascular surgical techniques in oncovascular and vascular surgeryGomes dos Santos Ferreira Rebelo, Artur Luis
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 1010