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Ressourcen der Sammlung (Nach Einreichdatum - absteigend sortiert): 1 bis 20 von 1113
2024Targeting triple-negative breast cancers : discovery of novel lead compounds and their biological characterziationMorgan, Ibrahim
2025Estimating and predicting the burden of breast cancer in EthiopiaManamo, Wondimu Ayele
2024Diversity and biogeography of the New Zealand species of the genus Pseudolycoriella (Sciaridae: Diptera)Köhler, Arne
2023Krankheitsangst : Symptomatik und Bindungsverhalten, konzeptuelle Überlegungen und Entwicklung diagnostischer ErhebungsinstrumenteWeber, Rafael
2024Analytical and numerical aspects of non-smooth mechanics in the context of measure differential inclusionsPaschkowski, Manuela
2024The transition to bioeconomy and its implications for sustainable development : the case of GermanyWen, Lanjiao
2025Vergleich von End-zu-End- mit End-zu-Seit-Anastomosen mittels Coupler bei plastischen Rekonstruktionen mit freien Lappen in der Kopf-Hals-TumorchirurgieKöpernik, Sophie
2025Semicrystalline morphology, intracrystalline chain diffusion and mechanical modulus of selected aliphatic polyestersYu, Qiang
2025Gametophyte-specific degradation of Centromeric Histone3 (CENH3) to investigate the mechanisms of uniparental genome elimination in Arabidopsis thalianaSomasundaram, Saravanakumar
2025Identification and characterization of genes involved with iron-dependent root growth under limiting phosphorusManiero, Rodolfo Augusto
2024Bottom-up and top-down drivers of herbivoryAnttonen, Perttu
2025Experimentelle Untersuchung der Elektron-Phonon-Wechselwirkung in oberflächennahen 2DEG-SystemenHerrmann, Hannes
2024Institutional perspectives on corporate social responsibility (CSR) in agricultural enterprises amidst social movement debatesHajdu, Anna
2024The use of genome-wide prediction to increase efficiency in plant breeding programsRembe, Maximilian
2025Microbial confrontations trigger broad array synthesis of human-toxic secondary metabolitesDevasahayam, Bennet
2024The relevance of root growth for spatiotemporal patterns of chemical gradients in the rhizosphereLippold, Eva
2024Atomistic modeling of the solubility of cellulose in ionic liquidsRoos, Eliane
2024Influence of anthropogenic factors on woody species composition, structure and demography in Eastern Ghats, IndiaVenkataraman, Neeraja
2024Physiological processes and molecular determinants of root senescence in barleyTunc, Cevza Esin
2024Battled ground KwaNdebele : a strategic-relational approach to land reform and traditional leadership in a former South African HomelandKempen, Jonathan
Ressourcen der Sammlung (Nach Einreichdatum - absteigend sortiert): 1 bis 20 von 1113