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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 101 to 120 of 476
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016Modernisierer und Mittler im polnisch-türkischen intellektuellen NexusGasimov, Zaur T.
2014History-writing and history-making in Azerbaijan : some reflections on the first two decades of independenceGasimov, Zaur T.
2008Legionen, Öl und Politik : der Zweite Weltkrieg in den Lehrbüchern für die Geschichte Aserbaidschans nach 1991Gasimov, Zaur T.
1994Al-ʿAllāma al-Ḥillī and Shīʿite Muʿtazilite TheologySchmidtke, Sabine
2022The Muslim reception of biblical materials : Ibn Qutayba and his Aʿlām al-nubuwwaSchmidtke, Sabine
8-Apr-1995Zakhaer Al-Qasr fi Tarajim Nubalaa Al-Asr - Die Palastschätze: Eine Erforschung der Biographien der Adligen der damaligen Zeit - ذخائر القَصْر في تراجِم نُبَلاء العَصْرAlMouslie, Salah Eddin
2009The doctrinal views of the Banū al-ʿAwd (early 8th/14th century) : an analysis of MS Arab. F. 64 (Bodleian Library, Oxford)Schmidtke, Sabine
2006The Karaites' encounter with the thought of Abū l-Husayn al-Basrī (D. 436/1044) : a survey of the relevant materials in the Firkovitch-Collection, St. PetersburgSchmidtke, Sabine
2008Ms. Mahdawi 514 : An Anonymous Commentary of Ibn Mattawayh's Kitāb al-tadhkiraSchmidtke, Sabine
1999The doctrine of the transmigration of soul according to Shihāb al-Dīn al-Suhrawardī (killed 587/1191) and his followersSchmidtke, Sabine
2014Forms and functions of 'licences to transmit' (Ijāzas) in 18th-century-Iran : 'Abd Allāh al-Mūsawī al-Jazā'irī al-Tustarī's (1112-73/1701-59) ljāza KabīraSchmidtke, Sabine
2003The ijāza from ʿAbd Allāh b. Ṣāliḥ al-Samāhījī to Nāṣir al-Jārūdī al-Qaṭīfī : A Source for the Twelver Shiʿi Scholarly Tradition of BaḥraynSchmidtke, Sabine
2011Emotion in Postmodernism and Beyond : Autobiographic metafiction in two Egyptian novels of the 1990s (Nūrā Amīn and Muṣṭafā Dhikrī)Junge, Christian
2010I Write, Therefore I Am : Metafiction as Self-Assertion in Mustafa Dhikri’s Much Ado About a Gothic LabyrinthJunge, Christian
2010Reading the Ruins : Repressed Memory and Multiple Identity in the Work of Sélim NassibJunge, Christian
2000Die westliche Konstruktion Marokkos als Landschaft freier HomoerotikSchmidtke, Sabine
1998Neuere Forschungen zur Muʿtazila unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der späteren Muʿtazila ab dem 4./10. JahrhundertSchmidtke, Sabine
2018Opening Up the Text : Arabic Literary Studies on the MoveJunge, Christian; Winckler, Barbara
2020Scribal Practices among European Scholars during the Second Half of the Nineteenth Century : The Cases of Auguste Steinschneider (Auerbach), Moritz Steinschneider, and Martin SchreinerSchmidtke, Sabine
1999Homoeroticism and homosexuality in Islam : a review articleSchmidtke, Sabine
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 101 to 120 of 476