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Title: Understanding species responses to habitat change across scales using the countryside species-area relationship : [kumulative Dissertation]
Author(s): Martins, Inês Isabel Santos
Referee(s): Pereira, Henrique M.Look up in the Integrated Authority File of the German National Library
Chase, Jonathan
Schipper, Aafke
Granting Institution: Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
Issue Date: 2018
Extent: 1 Online-Ressource (127 Seiten)
Type: HochschulschriftLook up in the Integrated Authority File of the German National Library
Type: PhDThesis
Exam Date: 2018-11-29
Language: English
URN: urn:nbn:de:gbv:3:4-24309
Subjects: VielfaltLook up in the Integrated Authority File of the German National Library
HabitatLook up in the Integrated Authority File of the German National Library
Abstract: Landnutzungswandel ist zweifellos ein Hauptgrund für Biodiversitätswandel und beeinflusst die Muster von Artenvielfalt von der lokalen bis zur globalen Ebene. Dennoch wird in aktuellen Untersuchungen von Biodiversitätswandel häufig vernachlässigt, dass Arten häufig nicht von Habitatverlust sondern von Habitatwandel betroffen sind und dass nicht alle Arten gleichermaßen auf Habitatwandel reagieren. Hier erweitere ich unser Verständnis von der Reaktion von Arten auf Habitatwandel und verfeinere eine Methode mit der Biodiversitätswandel auf verschiedenen räumlichen Skalen vorhergesagt werden kann.
Land use change is an undisputed major driver of biodiversity change, affecting species richness patterns from local to global scales. Yet, current assessments of biodiversity change frequently neglect that species often face habitat change instead of habitat loss, and that not all species respond equally to it. Here, I expand our understanding of species responses to habitat change, while refining a tool to predict biodiversity change across scales. The countryside SAR framework presented here emerges as a unifying framework that retains the heuristic property of the classic SAR model, while being capable of accounting for the wider effects of the landscape on biodiversity. Above all, conservation and prioritization strategies that consider a broad spectrum of habitat responses from multiple species groups have the potential to be more successful in safeguarding the multiple levels of biodiversity.
Open Access: Open access publication
License: In CopyrightIn Copyright
Appears in Collections:Biowissenschaften; Biologie

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