Fakultät für Informatik : [253] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 253
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020Computer-assisted approaches to support radiofrequency ablations of spinal metastasesHille, Georg
2020Automatic fetal distress assessment during labor based on modal and parametrical analysis of the cardiotocographic recordingFuentealba Ortiz, Patricio Fabián
2020Computer-support for intracranial aneurysmsSaalfeld, Sylvia
2020Towards efficient and effective entity resolution for high-volume and variable dataChen, Xiao
2020Touchless, direct input methods for human-computer interaction to support image-guided interventionsHatscher, Benjamin
2020Interactive restriction of a mobile robot's workspace in traditional and smart home environmentsSprute, Dennis
2020On digitized forensics : novel acquisition and analysis techniques for latent fingerprints based on signal porcessing and pattern recognitionHildebrandt, Mario
2020Measuring and improving code quality in highly configurable software systemsFenske, Wolfram
2020Data-Centric Examination Approach (DCEA) for a qualitative determination of error, loss and uncertainty in digital and digitised forensicsKiltz, Stefan
2020Analytic cloud platform for near real-time mass spectrometry processing on the fast data architectureZoun, Roman
2020Prediction-based search for autonomous game-playingDockhorn, Alexander
2019New visualization techniques for engineering simulationsOster, Timo Reinhold
2020Maps, risk and visualization-supported reports for multimodal medical image dataMerten, Nico
2020Medium Access Control protocols for reliable communication in low-power industrial applicationsRaza, Saleem
2020Regel- und Symbolkomplexität kontextfreier Sprachen unter ausgewählten OperationenHarbich, Ronny
2020Refining expression DAGs in exact-decisions number typesWilhelm, Martin
2019Large-scale multi-objective optimisation : new approaches and a classification of the state-of-the-artZille, Heiner
2019Projector-based augmented reality and touchless interaction to support MRI-guided interventionsMewes, André
2019Multi-dimensional server consolidation for commercial off-the-shelf enterprise applications using shared performance countersMüller, Hendrik
2019Analysis techniques to support the evolution of variant-rich software systemsSchulze, Sandro
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 253