Fakultät für Informatik : [253] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 181 to 200 of 253
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2011Fault-tolerant radio coverage and connectivity in wireless mesh networksIvanov, Svilen V.
2010On the stepwise and disciplined engineering of adaptive service-oriented applicationsAoumeur, Nasreddine
2010Adaptive Entwicklung eines Referenzmodells für die Geschäftsprozessunterstützung im technischen GroßhandelPescholl, Andreas
2010Framework of quality measurement in CASE tool based software developmentYazbek, Hashem
2018Mastering dependencies in multi-language software applicationsSchink, Hagen
2010Virtual separation of concerns - toward preprocessors 2.0 /von Christian KästnerKästner, Christian
2010Ontology learning from semi-structured Web documentsBrunzel, Marko
2010Management of XML data by means of schema matchingAlgergawy, Alsayed Alshahat Alsayed
2009Das Rechenzentrum als Produktionsstätte für IT-Dienstleistungen - Kapazitätswirtschaft in virtualisierten RechenzentrenPinnow, Alexander
2009Children, computer and creativity - usability guidelines for designing a game authoring tool for childrenYatim, Maizatul Hayati Binti Mohamad
2009Wissensrepräsentation zur integrierten Steuerung von Experimenten in der Echtzeit-fMRT - neuroökonomische Untersuchung sozialer InteraktionHollmann, Maurice
2009An evaluation framework for software test processesFarooq, Ayaz
2009Robust learning in safety-related domains - machine learning methods for solving safety-related application problemsNusser, Sebastian
2004Efficient similarity-based operations for data integrationSchallehn, Eike
2004Dynamic presentations for illustration purposesJesse, Roland
2004Capturing the essence of shape of polygonal meshesIsenberg, Tobias
2004Formulierung von Nutzerpräferenzen in Multimedia-Retrieval-SystemenSchulz, Nadine
2004Partially supervised learning of fuzzy classification rulesKlose, Aljoscha Alexander
2003Frame-coherent 3D stippling for non-photorealistic computer graphicsMeruvia Pastor, Oscar Ernesto
2004Computerunterstützte Bildanalyse zur Auswertung medizinischer BilddatenPohle, Regina
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 181 to 200 of 253