Landwirtschaft und verwandte Bereiche : [142] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 142
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016Cytogenetic mapping of BAC contigs assigned to barley chromosome 3H and comparative subchromosomal analysis within the genus Hordeum - [kumulative Dissertation]Aliyeva-Schnorr, Lala
2016Discovery and validation of genes for quantitative host- and nonhost-resistance in barley and wheat to powdery mildew attackRajaraman, Jeyaraman
2016Tapping two sources - farmers’ conjunctive use of groundwater and surface water in northwest ChinaAarnoudse, Evertje
2016Leucine in piglets - nutritional requirement and consequences of excessive intakes on whole body amino acid metabolismWessels, Anna
2016Microfinance - poverty alleviation and women’s empowerment - evidence from a Cameroonian village bank, the Mutuelles Communautaires de Croissance (MC2)Nguefo Gnilachi, Josephine
2016Structural change in rural Europe - land-use and labour behaviourUnay-Gailhard, İlkay
2015Root water uptake - exploring the role of root system architecture and root-soil interactions with X-ray computed tomographyKoebernick, Nicolai
2016Understanding forest-cover change in Yunnan with a combination of quantitative and qualitative methodsFrayer, Jens
2016Functional consequences of chromosome holocentricityJankowska, Maja
2015Steuergrößen und Erscheinungsformen des post-sowjetischen agrarischen Landnutzungswandels und ihre Folgen für die Bodendegradation und den Bodenwasserhaushalt in der voruralischen Waldsteppenzone der Republik BaschkortostanLiebelt, Peter
2016Two ABC transporters of the MRP subfamily contribute to azole tolerance and virulence of Fusarium graminearumTryono, Reno
2016Mapping of quantitative trait loci regulating nitrogen stress tolerance and leaf rust seedling resistance in two selected populations derived from crosses between exotic and elite barley - [kumulative Dissertation]Schnaithmann, Florian
2015Systematic molecular and phenotypic investigation of speltoid off-types in bread wheat germplasmFörster, Sebastian
2016Qualifizierung und Quantifizierung von pränatalen und postnatalen maternalen Einflüssen auf die Entwicklung von SaugferkelnKecman, Jelena
2016Cloning of the plant development regulatory genes MANY NODED DWARF (MND) and LAXATUM-A (LAX-A) by taking advantage of an improved barley genomics infrastructureJost, Matthias
2016Unlocking the secondary gene pool of barley for breeding and research - [kumulative Dissertation]Wendler, Neele
2016Verzicht auf die chirurgische Ferkelkastration - Auswirkungen auf die Teilstückgewichte und deren Vermarktung am Beispiel eines regionalen VermarktersWeydringer, Angela
2016Genotypic and phenotypic analysis of the spike row-type in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) - kumulative DissertationYoussef Ibrahim, Helmy Mohamed
2016Essays on consumers’ perceptions and valuations of health-enhancing attributes in food productsDolgopolova, Irina
2015The influence of iron (Fe) nutritional status on plant-pathogen interactionsYe, Fanghua
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 142