Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 165
| Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
| 2015 | Many-body theory of quantum systems - kumulative Habilitationsschrift | Pavlyukh, Yaroslav |
| 2015 | Optimization and modeling of the spin hall effect in dilute alloys - a theoretical study | Herschbach, Christian |
| 2015 | Complex structures, disorder and low dimensionality - treatment of oxides and semiconductors by a relativistic Korringa-Kohn-Rostoker Green function method | Geilhufe, Richard Matthias |
| 2015 | Herstellung und Untersuchung von Silizium-Hybridstrukturen für nichtlinear-optische Anwendungen | Nolte, Peter Wilhelm |
| 2015 | Versetzungsaktivität und Rissbildung in Galliumarsenid und Galliumnitrid | Ratschinski, Ingmar |
| 2015 | Dispersion control of surface plasmons | Sardana, Neha |
| 2015 | Topographie und elektronische Eigenschaften von ultradünnen Perowskit-Schichten - SrRuO3/SrTiO3(001) und BaTiO3/Pt(111) | Trautmann, Martin |
| 2014 | Low phonon energy glass ceramics for efficient rare-earth luminescence | Pfau, Charlotte |
| 2015 | Molekulare und elektronische Struktur ultradünner α-Sexithiophen-Schichten auf Edelmetalleinkristalloberflächen | Hammer, René |
| 2015 | Konzeption und Aufbau des Positronenstrahlsystems MePS, PAS-Messungen an porösen low-k-Schichten | Jungmann, Marco |
| 2015 | Multiferroic tunnel structures | Quindeau, Andy U. |
| 2015 | Time-dependent transport through quantum dots coupled to normal and superconducting leads | Pototzky, Klaus Jochen |
| 2015 | Effective passivation of black silicon surfaces by conformal thermal ALD deposited Al2O3 layers | Otto, Martin |
| 2015 | Probabilistische Methode zur Vorhersage des effektiven Materialverhaltens fester Schäume mit ungeordneter Mikrostruktur | Beckmann, Carla |
| 2015 | On the origin of magnetoresistance in organic spin valves | Grünewald, Matthias |
| 2015 | Rate equation analysis of nanocrystal-enhanced upconversion in neodymium-doped glasses | Skrzypczak, Ulrich |
| 2015 | Superconducting properties of Pb nanoislands on Pb/Ag/Si(111) studied by a 3He-cooled scanning tunnelling microscope in magnetic fields at variable temperatures | León Vanegas, Álvaro Augusto |
| 2015 | Strominduzierte Magnetisierungsdynamik in (Pseudo-)Spinventil-Nanodrähten | Kleinlein, Johannes |
| 2015 | Studies on the ferroelectric field effect in perovskite oxide heterostructures | Preziosi, Daniele |
| 2014 | Design of liquid crystal dimers and trimers - synthesis and characterization of novel systems containing bent-core and calamitic mesogenic units | Tamba, Maria Gabriela |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 165