Physik : [165] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 165
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015Many-body theory of quantum systems - kumulative HabilitationsschriftPavlyukh, Yaroslav
2015Optimization and modeling of the spin hall effect in dilute alloys - a theoretical studyHerschbach, Christian
2015Complex structures, disorder and low dimensionality - treatment of oxides and semiconductors by a relativistic Korringa-Kohn-Rostoker Green function methodGeilhufe, Richard Matthias
2015Herstellung und Untersuchung von Silizium-Hybridstrukturen für nichtlinear-optische AnwendungenNolte, Peter Wilhelm
2015Versetzungsaktivität und Rissbildung in Galliumarsenid und GalliumnitridRatschinski, Ingmar
2015Dispersion control of surface plasmonsSardana, Neha
2015Topographie und elektronische Eigenschaften von ultradünnen Perowskit-Schichten - SrRuO3/SrTiO3(001) und BaTiO3/Pt(111)Trautmann, Martin
2014Low phonon energy glass ceramics for efficient rare-earth luminescencePfau, Charlotte
2015Molekulare und elektronische Struktur ultradünner α-Sexithiophen-Schichten auf EdelmetalleinkristalloberflächenHammer, René
2015Konzeption und Aufbau des Positronenstrahlsystems MePS, PAS-Messungen an porösen low-k-SchichtenJungmann, Marco
2015Multiferroic tunnel structuresQuindeau, Andy U.
2015Time-dependent transport through quantum dots coupled to normal and superconducting leadsPototzky, Klaus Jochen
2015Effective passivation of black silicon surfaces by conformal thermal ALD deposited Al2O3 layersOtto, Martin
2015Probabilistische Methode zur Vorhersage des effektiven Materialverhaltens fester Schäume mit ungeordneter MikrostrukturBeckmann, Carla
2015On the origin of magnetoresistance in organic spin valvesGrünewald, Matthias
2015Rate equation analysis of nanocrystal-enhanced upconversion in neodymium-doped glassesSkrzypczak, Ulrich
2015Superconducting properties of Pb nanoislands on Pb/Ag/Si(111) studied by a 3He-cooled scanning tunnelling microscope in magnetic fields at variable temperaturesLeón Vanegas, Álvaro Augusto
2015Strominduzierte Magnetisierungsdynamik in (Pseudo-)Spinventil-NanodrähtenKleinlein, Johannes
2015Studies on the ferroelectric field effect in perovskite oxide heterostructuresPreziosi, Daniele
2014Design of liquid crystal dimers and trimers - synthesis and characterization of novel systems containing bent-core and calamitic mesogenic unitsTamba, Maria Gabriela
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 165