Physik : [165] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 101 to 120 of 165
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014Structural investigations on semiconducting donor-acceptor block copolymers and related model systems for organic photovoltaicsGupta, Gaurav Kumar
2013Ortsaufgelöste Bestimmung von Gitterverzerrungen in Silizium-Nanostrukturen mittels ElektronenrückstreubeugungKrause, Michael
2014Magnetization dynamics and magnetic ground state properties from first principlesThonig, Danny
2014Effect of quantum well states on the magnetic anisotropy of ferromagnetic filmsDa̧browski, Maciej Krzysztof
2013Modifikation optischer Nichtlinearitäten in SiliziumSchriever, Clemens
2013Magnetooptische und magnetische Eigenschaften zweikomponentiger MultiferroikaBorek, Stephan
2013Spin-polarized scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy study of Fe and Co nanostructures on Cu(111)Corbetta, Marco
2013Preparation, geometric structure and magnetism of ultrathin oxide films on metal surfacesKlimenta, Florian
2013Liquid crystalline carbon nanotube suspensions - from unique challenges to unique properties/ von Stefan SchymuraSchymura, Stefan
2013Thermoelectric transport in semiconducting heterostructures - [kumulative Dissertation]Hinsche, Nicki Frank
2013Charakterisierung niedrigdimensionaler Halbleiterstrukturen mittels nanofokussierter RöntgenstrahlenDubslaff, Martin
2013Ultrafast charge carrier dynamics of ZnO thin films and BaTiO3-ZnO heterostructuresAcharya, Snigdhatanu
2013High wave-vector magnon excitations in ultrathin Fe(111) films grown on Au/W(110) and Fe(001) films grown on Ir(001)Chuang, Tzu-Hung
2012Schädigungsfreie Ablation dielektrischer Schichten auf Silizium mittels ultrakurzer LaserimpulseRublack, Tino
2012Laser-angeregte Photoemissions-Elektronenmikroskopie an oxidischen OberflächenHöfer, Anke
2009Spin dynamics of complex itinerant magnetsBuczek, Pawel Adam
2012Investigation of plasmonic structures by light and electron microscopy - contributions to an efficient numerical treatmentMatyssek, Christian F.
2012Time-resolved two-photon photoemission of NiO Ultra-Thin films on Ag(001)Kiel, Mario
2012Stress and magnetic properties of epitaxial ferromagnetic layers and ferromagnetic-transition metal oxide bilayersDhaka, Anita
2012Studying the electron-electron correlation by pair emission from surfaces - [kumulative Habilitation]Schumann, Frank O.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 101 to 120 of 165