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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1261 to 1280 of 11688
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017Visions of justice : Sharia and cultural change in Russian Central Asia / by Paolo SartoriSartori, Paolo
2016Caliphate and Kingship in a Fifteenth-Century Literary History of Muslim Leadership and Pilgrimage : al-Ḏahab l-masbūk fī ḏikr man ḥaǧǧa min al-ḫulafāʾ wa-l-mulūk / Critical Edition, Annotated Translation, and Study by Jo Van SteenbergenSteenbergen, Jo
2017The Teaching and Learning of Arabic in Early Modern Europe / Edited by Jan Loop, Alastair Hamilton, Charles Burnett-
1976Islamic States in Java 1500-1700 : Eight Dutch Books and Articles by Dr H.J. de Graaf / by Theodore G. Th. Pigeaud, H. J. Graaf-
2013The chronicle of Seert : Christian historical imagination in late antique Iraq / Philip WoodWood, Philip
2014The imagined and real Jerusalem in art and architecture / ed. by Jeroen Goudeau; Mariëtte Verhoeven; Wouter Weijers-
2011Royal courts in dynastic states and empires : a global perspective / edited by Jeroen Duindam, Tulay Artan, Metin Kunt-
2014The dynastic centre and the provinces : agents and interactions / edited by Jeroen Duindam and Sabine Dabringhaus-
2008Mystik - Metapher- Bild : Beiträge des VII. Makarios-Symposiums Göttingen 2007 / hrsg. von Martin Tamcke-
2017The politics of written language in the Arab world : writing change / edited by Jacob Høigilt, Gunvor Mejdell-
2017Relations between East and West : various studies : medieval and contemporary ages / Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Academy of Scientific Research & Technology ; editors in chief Prof. Ali Ahmed El-Sayed, Dr. Luciano Gallinari, Dr. Abdallah Abdel-Ati Al-NaggarInternational Conference Peacebuilding between East and West XI-XVI c.
2016Social Media in southeast Turkey : love, kinship and politics / Elisabetta CostaCosta, Elisabetta
2014Die Stellung der Frau in der afghanischen Verfassungsordnung im Spannungsverhältnis zwischen islamischem Recht und Völkerrecht - unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Scheidungsrechts / Mina AryobseiAryobsei, Mina
2017The dowry of the state? : the politics of abandoned property and the population exchange in Turkey, 1921-1945 / Ellinor MorackMorack, Ellinor
2014Saudi-Arabiens salafistischer Bildungsexport radikalisiert Indonesiens Muslime / Amanda KovacsKovàcs, Amanda
2006Information needs and institutional development / Michael W. Nicholson; Armine R. MirzoyanNicholson, Michael W.; Mirzoyan, Armine R.
2005Cultural Revolutions : Reason Versus Culture in Philosophy, Politics, and Jihad / Lawrence CahooneCahoone, Lawrence E.
2012Local Portraiture : Through the Lens of the 19th Century Iranian PhotographersPérez González, Carmen
2016Post-Ottoman coexistence : sharing space in the shadow of conflict / edited by Rebecca Bryant-
2016Established and Outsiders at the Same Time - Self-Images and We-Images of Palestinians in the West Bank and in IsraelRosenthal, Gabriele
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1261 to 1280 of 11688